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July 24, 2009


Sue Kment

oh how wonderful Katie!


Thanks for the great tutorial! I can't wait to try it out!

Kathryn Stevenson

Although I do not make cards, I buy thousands of cards via eBay. One of the nicest "thank you" gifts that you can give your customer to show appreciation for a large order is a tag. It doesn't take too much time or materials like an extra card would and it is very much appreciated.

Some of my favorite sellers send me a free tag with each order and it definitely keeps me buying more!

Rachel B

Thanks so much for this idea. I do not have the expression, just the first Cricut, so I will have to tweek the box dimensions, but this is a great starting point. I appreciate the inspiration.
I also liked your post about the chapsticks. I did something similar with my girls at church and they loved them. Thanks for the information!

Michelle Polizzi

Great directions for a great project! Thanks for sharing!
Michelle Polizzi


This is just beyond adorable! I'm sure anyone who receives this will be totally thrilled!


These are awesome!!!!!!! I am going to have to make some.I love the paper and colors you used to.

Debbie Fisher

I love this tutorial! I have George, I have this paper, what a fun gift to give someone or have out when wrapping pkgs at Christmas time.

Pat Phillips

This is an adorable idea. I love it ! Thanks so much, Katie.


Love this project! What a sweet xmas box and tags :) I wish I wish me a scorpal!! *lol*

Ryann Salamon

Katie, Katie, KATIE!! This has got to be the CUTEST 3-D project I've seen in a really long time. So super cute and original - I love it!!

Carol Turner

I love this! I am making my xmas tags this year to match our theme and now I have a cute holder for them.


Love it!! I am totally doing this for some early Christmas gifts ;D


Another fabulous post Katie!! Luuuuuuuv the box for the tags too!!

Terri Bills

Katie, these are adorable.

Lori McCroskey

THAT IS SO ADORABLE!!!! I'm going to get started on that project! All those ribbons can be cut and tied during gymnastic lessons :-)

Linda Anderson

Oh my goodness Katie, this is adorable!!!!!! What a wonderful project!!!


Tricia T.

Adorable! What a great idea!!


Perfect gift that is easy to make up and have a few on hand for those times when you need a little something for someone! I love it.


Thanks for this great idea! Just planning to buy the Cricut Expression and this is really nice to try!
Bye, have a nice weekend!


What a fabulous tutorial and these look great! TFS

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