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May 24, 2011


Christi Bryant

Great tutorial! Thanks for reminding me and showing me great ways to use the versamarks! I bought a versamerk pen a while back because of how I saw it used somewhere and then promptly forgot what to use it for! Thanks for the tutorial Great Job!!

Edwina Brown

I just love this card! Thanks for how to make it and the use of the different versamark products. I had only used the pad. this will help a lot. Edwina

Jennie Portonova

Thank you! Loved the card and the tutorial. :) It sure helps to know how all these products can be used.

auntie em

Thanks for all the great ideas and hints. :)

Jo Anna Grimsley

Great tutorial! Sometimes I forget all the versatile uses of Versamark. TFS Jo4Him


I LOVE how versatile Versamark ink is. I also use it with chalks and pearl ex.

Linda A.

Fabulous tutorial Lori! And what a beautiful card!

Coral Powell

You have widened my knowledge regarding Versamark. Never thought of 'touching up" missed spots with the pen.
I always look forward to seeing what you are coming up with (and therefore increasing my knowledge).
Keep up your inspiring work.

Robin Burgeson

Wow! A great tutorial. I really didn't know about some of those techniques.

Angela Hartley

I always learn alot from turorials. Yours was GREAT!!! I had never thought of using the versamark pad that way. FANTASTIC

Vikki Selix

WOW! Great tutorial! Awesome details!

Lisa Lara

Awesome tutorial Lori.

Angela Gentry

such detail! I love it. the card is very nice.

Carol E

Love the card thanks for the lesson, wasn't sure how to get the great background you did.


thanx a lot for this gorgeous tutorial!

versamark is one of the best crafting-pads ever!

i never would have thought of using it to distress the edges of my papers...always using distress inks...but that is so easy and effective...don't have to think, which colour would suit...just take the beloved versamark!

hugs and kisses from germany,

Nana Donna

Thanks, I love love my Versamark pad and use it all the time. I am sure many people will find this post very useful

Shelly Schmidt

Darling card- I love it when the strawberry images start popping out! Summer is finally here!


WOW i have all these products but never new exactly what each does. Thank you now I will beable to use my pen to fill in those little areas that need completed.

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