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February 29, 2012


samara navi

Lori this is so fantastic! You know I have most of the Charlie stamps and LOVE them. I haven't used them in a long time since I have been on these 10 DT's but now that they are digi (which all my teams are but Blockheads) I am SO excited. I have alot of the ones that went digi but it is just amazing how quickly the world of stamping went this way. I resisted it for so long - then when I got into it I could not believe the options available when it IS digi!!!! nevermind the space! LOVE LOVE LOVE. I was here looking for the challenge for my cards (DT cards) but am SO happy!!!!! p.s. you always were one of the most humble people I know (putting your pic at the end!) Hey, if you ever have a DT call....make sure I know K!!!! xox and hugs

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